P-05-863 Call on the Welsh Government to provide free sanitary products to all women in low income households

This petition was submitted by Malpas Women's Institute having collected 141 signatures.

Text of Petition

Malpas WI demands free sanitary products to all women in low income households. The Women’s Institute was set up in 1915 and campaigns on issues which matter to women and their communities. Our aim is to empower and inspire women of all ages. We believe that no-one should be forced to go without sanitary products because of cost. With ever more women needing foodbanks to keep themselves alive, it has become clear that sanitary products are a luxury women on low incomes cannot afford.


Across the UK there are girls too poor to buy sanitary protection. They are having to miss school. Their dignity is being undermined. For too long women’s needs have been neglected. Unlike property transactions, sanitary products are still not exempt from VAT. Periods are not a luxury, they are a necessity. Women do not choose to menstruate. We call on the Welsh Government to follow Scotland’s lead and provide free sanitary products to all women in low income households.


Assembly Constituency and Region